Moms, foodies, lovers of all things Pinterest, dancing machines, friends, and photographers.
I'm on left and that makes Renee on the right.
This is our very first photo session together. We thought, in honor of our new blog we should take some pictures. Should be easy, right? Right?!?
We may or may not have color coordinated for this mini session. I wore neutrals and Renee went with earthy and bright.
I'll have you know that even though we are both professional photographers, we share an almost equal amount of uncomfortableness being in front of the camera (I'd say myself more than her).
I'll also have you know that this here session was photographed by Renee's 7 year old and 5 year old daughters. Talent runs deep in that family.
Needless to say, most of our photos seemed to turn out something along the lines of what's pictured above. I'm just glad we had a 7 year old behind the camera. A pro might think to themselves, "What is wrong with these women???" It's ok, though. It's who we are.
Renee and I met in 2006, but really became closer friends in 2007. She comforted me during one of my saddest moments in life and I did the same for her. I think we share, what I like to call, a tragedy bond. Not the happiest types of bond, I know. But we understand each other - in a peculiar sort of way that not all people do or can. For example: we both know it's ok to laugh with each other one minute and seconds later break into a full fledged cry fest if needed. It doesn't happen as much these days, but when it does, it's no biggie.
I'm really not sure what to say about this next photo. It certainly wasn't planned and I almost feel like I should apologize for it's randomness. And also, we've got some sweet moves, wouldn't you agree?
Ahhhh..would you just look at us? Unable to look directly into the camera - even though behind the lens sits a sweet little 7 year old? During this session, Renee and I both commented, "Oh my - the things we ask our clients to do!!" It was tough, you guys - I'm not going to lie.

What's the point of this blog - you might ask? Well, as you may or may not know, Renee and I both share a love for the children of Africa. Recently, we were chatting over sushi and one of us mentioned the idea of travelling to Africa...TOGETHER. We both almost jumped out of our chairs in excitement at the thought. We prayed in the parking lot and talked about it with close family and friends over the next couple days. We felt like God was shouting, "Yes!! Go to Africa together!!" and so it began. We decided to start this blog to document our journey and keep our friends and family informed of this crazy commitment we have made; our prayers, our thoughts, our hopes, our fears, our anticipation - all leading up to our departure (and beyond). We pray (and ask for you to pray) that we would have open hearts for what God wants to reveal to us on this journey - that we would learn and grow and be stretched. We plan to travel to Africa with open arms for the children and we desire that the love of Christ would shine through us, bringing a smile to their faces, joy to their hearts and hope to those that have none.
Well, this is us - nice to meet you.
For more about Renee, click
For more about Michelle, click